Laowa 24mm f/14 2X Macro Probe Lens (Cine Version)

  • Brand: Laowa
  • SKU: VE2414CC
  • Product code: 532591
£1,499.17 £1,566.17 £1,799.00 Inc VAT Price Match
Previously funded in Kickstarter and ranked 2nd in the all-time most funded lens project, this is the world’s first consumer-grade probe lens which focuses from 2:1 macro to infinity and...

Previously funded in Kickstarter and ranked 2nd in the all-time most funded lens project, this is the world’s first consumer-grade probe lens which focuses from 2:1 macro to infinity and with a compelling wide angle ‘Bug Eye’ perspective. The wide angle design means much greater depth of field at close distances than possible with conventional telephoto macro lens, so more background details can now be seen. The front barrel of the lens is waterproof and an LED ring light is mounted at the tip of the lens. It can cover both standard 35mm full frame & Super35 image sensors and is super lightweight to carry.

Canon EF, Nikon F, Sony FE, Pentax K, Arri PL mounts are available. “Cine-mod” version, with standard gear focus and aperture rings, is specifically designed for videography purposes. Includes variable-output Control cable and rugged aluminum carry case.

The Laowa 24mm f/14 2X Probe lens is now available for sale. The package includes a white USB cable dimmer (with power adjustment), black USB cable (no power adjustment), lens bag and metal case. Please note that the LED is powered by an external battery (not included in the package). Due to its amazing demand, it may be temporarily in limited supply. We have created a Facebook community for our 24/14 Probe users to share their experience and amazing works. Please click here to join.

Macro lenses in the market tend to have a long focal length (from 60mm to 120mm) and the subject fills most of the frame, isolating it from the surrounding environment. Our Laowa 24mm, instead, allows you to focus really close – 2 cm (0.8 in.) @ 2:1 to the subject, showing a great amount of detail and texture. But at the same time, you can enjoy a compelling wide angle ‘Bug Eye’ view (84.1°) so that more of the background details can be included in the shot. You can easily create a very informative and stunning macro bug-eye perspective that no other lens can do! The fact that it can focus really close to the subject enables a lot of shooting possibilities.

As macro photographers ourselves, we usually face the problem of not being able to shoot smaller subjects. With our Laowa probe, you can now take advantage of the 2:1 maximum magnification to shoot really small bugs and reveal details that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is particularly useful for videographers since both finer details and environmental backgrounds can be captured in one shot.

The wide angle design also means much greater depth of field at close distances (compared to the telephoto macro lens) so that more background details can now be seen. Being able to focus so close but still have deep epth of field is a BIG advantage for both studio and wildlife photography.

For example, the bug below is around 4 mm (0.15 in.) in size and it was captured by our 24mm f/14 Probe at 2:1 Macro magnification. The greater DOF allows more leaf area to be in focus compared to telephoto lens.

Do not understand this weird design? For traditional macro lenses, you need to get really close to your subject in order to take a good macro shot. But some areas are just simply inaccessible. Thanks to the 40 cm (15.7 in.) long barrel, you can focus really close to the subject but still keep yourself and your camera a reasonable distance away. This feature is super useful and makes your macro shooting so much easier. Imagine how convenient it will be to shoot a frog hiding in the bushes using our Probe lens, compared to getting your typical 100mm macro lens super close to it to avoid leaves blocking your subject.

Shooting lethal snakes? No problem. The long lens barrel also allows us to keep a safe distance away from shooting lethal snakes. Your big camera body and lens will no longer “alert” your subject of your arrival.

From a filmmaking perspective, the Tubular Lens barrel also allows shooting a lot of “slide in” shots through tiny areas. Imagine sliding the lens between candles on your birthday cake or sliding the lens inside a drink bottle. Something that no other lens on earth can do. Our opening product showcase shot in the main video also used this technique.

Getting proper lighting onto the subject is not always an easy task for macro photography. Typical macro lenses have large lens barrels (at least 60mm or above in diameter), blocking most of the light from hitting the subject. Our Laowa probe, on the other hand, features a 20mm diameter lens tip which makes it super easy to get sufficient illumination.

You think that’s cool enough? Think again. In order to bring you an even more exciting perspective and take your photos or video to the next level, we have made the front barrel of the Laowa probe waterproof. The waterproof design also implies that shooting in dusty environments or with fine powders is not going to be a problem anymore. You can literally use it ANYWHERE.

What? It’s an f/14 not f/1.4? Why is there a LED ring light at the front? Macro photography is about Depth of Field and smaller apertures are usually required. An LED ring light (powered by an optional external battery) is embedded in the lens tip to provide additional lighting for focus assistance. In most cases, the more lighting you have on your subject, the better your shot will look. An included variable-output Control cable lets you adjust the amount of light from the LED.

With so many features equipped in one lens? Is this thing going to be as heavy as a big rock? Despite the weird look and long tubular design, the Laowa probe is actually super light and easy to carry. It weighs only 1.04 pounds (474 grams), even lighter than a bottle of Coke.

  • - Bugs Eye Perspective
  • - 2:1 Macro & Infinity Focus
  • - Deep Depth of Field
  • - Waterproof front barrel
  • - Tiny Lens Tip
  • - Tubular & Long Barrel
  • - LED Ring Light
  • - Full Frame coverage
  • - Lightweight
  • - Designed for Video & Stills



Focal Length: 24mm
Format Compatibility: Canon EF / PL / Sony FE
Max. Aperture: f/14
Max. Aperture: f/40
Angle of View: 85 degrees
Lens Construction: 27 Elements in 19 groups
Aperture Blades: 7
Min. Focus Distance: 47cm (2cm from lens tip)
Dimensions: 38mm x 408mm
Weight: 474g
Filter Size: N/A
Lens Hood: N/A

Package Content:
None Lens support:

1x Laowa 24mm F14 2x Macro Probe Lens
1x front lens caps
1x rear lens caps

Lens +  Lens support:
1x Laowa 24mm F14 2x Macro Probe Lens
1x front lens caps
1x rear lens caps
Nitze N04C 15mm LWS Lens Support for Laowa 24mm f/14 2X Macro Probe Lens(535534)
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