DZOFILM VESPID Prime Full Frame Cinema 8 Lens Set PL&EF interchangeable Mount

  • Brand: DZOFiLM
  • Product code: PK1888
£7,217.05 £7,844.62 £8,660.46 Inc VAT Price Match
Ultra Compact Cinema LensBeyond Full FrameVESPID PRIMECinematic capturing beyond full frame(46.5mm)Compact and potable. convenient for documentary shooting. Like a Vespid, nimble and agile, easy to satisfy different shooting conditions.VIGOROUS Swift...

Ultra Compact Cinema Lens

Beyond Full Frame

Cinematic capturing beyond full frame(46.5mm)

Compact and potable. convenient for documentary shooting. Like a Vespid, nimble and agile, easy to satisfy different shooting conditions.


  • Swift and fast, easy to satisfy different shooting conditions, no matter in a single unit or a whole group.
  • Consistent design of gear, no need to change gear motor while changing lenses.


Your reliable filming partner

  • Negligible breathing effect, creating an immersive scene.
  • Neutral color,fine and soft skin rendering,represent the actual image.
  • A perfect companion between A-roll and B-roll


APO Design

Gentle Sharpness and Vivid Clarity

Appropriate sharpness generates cinematic feeling while expressing organic look and fine details. Appropriate levels of sharpness with beautifully accurate colour rendering.
Natural and elegent flare characteristics. Modern and neutral colour rendition, Ultra-compact and portable design, only weighs 900g! Ideal for gimbal and drone use. FULL FRAME compatibility. Corner to corner, ARRI LF open gate coverage.

Pleasing Round Bokeh

A Perfect Circle

With 16 diaphragm blades, the out of focus areas will be silky smooth with perfectly circular shaped bokeh.
270° focus throw means you can fine tune your focus and achieve critical sharpness.


It’s all on point!

Experiece exceptional build quality that you would expect from a high end cinema lens.
Perfectly controlled focus breathing and cromatic abberation.


Rapport between scenes and final effect

Witness a new era in motion picture optical design. The ultra compact Vespid primes deliver incredible performance at a staggeringly low price.
The T2.1 Maxiumum aperture ensures shallow DOF and excellent low light ability.

Interchangeable mount



In this set of compact “Vespid” Prime Lens, there are six general focal lengths and one 1:1.5 macro lens, they are 25mm, 35mm, 50mm, 75mm, 90mm (macro), 100mm and 125mm. 

Except Macro 90mm T2.8, others will have a constant T2.1 stop. With a φ80mm front diameter and a φ46.5mm image circle, Vespid lenses are applicable for most full-frame or vista vision cinema cameras in the market. 

The Vespid 90mm T2.9 lens is the only lens that does NOT have dual lens markings. Please choose Imperial or Metric markings. 


  • Compact & Portable
  • Minimum Breathing
  • EF and PL mounts interchangeable 
  • FF and VV sensor coverage 
  • Dual Metric and Imperial markings
  • 16 blade iris
  • Round Bokeh & Neutral Colour
  • Matching iris and focus gears
  • Subtle and elegant flaring 
  • Standard Mechanics & Solid Build quality


Package Content:
Arri PL / Imperial (PK1888)
1x VESPID Prime 16mm T2.8 Lens(PK2031)
1x VESPID Prime 25mm T2.1 Lens (PK2032)
1x VESPID Prime 35mm T2.1 Lens (PK2034)
1x VESPID Prime 50mm T2.1 Lens  (PK2036)
1x VESPID Prime 75mm T2.1 Lens(PK2038)
1x VESPID Prime 100mm T2.1 Lens(PK2044
1x VESPID Prime 125mm T2.1 Lens (PK2046)
1x VESPID Prime 90mm T2.8 Lens (Macro 1:1.5)(PK2040)

Arri PL / Metric (PK1889)
1x VESPID Prime 16mm T2.8 Lens(PK2031)
1x VESPID Prime 25mm T2.1 Lens (PK2032)
1x VESPID Prime 35mm T2.1 Lens (PK2034)
1x VESPID Prime 50mm T2.1 Lens  (PK2036)
1x VESPID Prime 75mm T2.1 Lens(PK2038)
1x VESPID Prime 100mm T2.1 Lens(PK2044
1x VESPID Prime 125mm T2.1 Lens (PK2046)
1x VESPID Prime 90mm T2.8 Lens (Macro 1:1.5)(PK2041)

Canon EF /  Imperial (PK1890)
1x VESPID Prime 16mm T2.8 Lens(PK2030)
1x VESPID Prime 25mm T2.1 Lens (PK2033)
1x VESPID Prime 35mm T2.1 Lens (PK2035)
1x VESPID Prime 50mm T2.1 Lens  (PK2037)
1x VESPID Prime 75mm T2.1 Lens(PK2039)
1x VESPID Prime 100mm T2.1 Lens  (PK2045)
1x VESPID Prime 125mm T2.1 Lens(PK2047)
1x VESPID Prime 90mm T2.8 Lens (Macro 1:1.5)(PK2042)

Canon EF / Metric (PK1891)
1x VESPID Prime 16mm T2.8 Lens(PK2030)
1x VESPID Prime 25mm T2.1 Lens (PK2033)
1x VESPID Prime 35mm T2.1 Lens (PK2035)
1x VESPID Prime 50mm T2.1 Lens  (PK2037)
1x VESPID Prime 75mm T2.1 Lens(PK2039)
1x VESPID Prime 100mm T2.1 Lens  (PK2045)
1x VESPID Prime 125mm T2.1 Lens(PK2047)
1x VESPID Prime 90mm T2.8 Lens (Macro 1:1.5)(PK2043)

 Attachment For Vespid

KOOP Magnetic Filter Standard Set

KOOP Magnetic Filter Artistic Set

Haida NanoPro Mist Black 1/4 Filter

Haida NanoPro Mist Black 1/8 Filter

Haida NanoPro MC Clear Filter

Haida NanoPro Variable ND Filter

Haida NanoPro Mist Black VND Filter

N04B 15mm LWS Lens Support

MB-T16 Mirage Matte Box

PL Lens Mount Adapter

EF Lens Mount Adapter

10-Lens Hard Case


 DZOFILM VESPID Prime Full Frame Cinema Lens

16mm T2.8

21mm T2.1

25mm T2.1

35mm T2.1

40mm T2.1

50mm T2.1

75mm T2.1

90mm T2.8 Macro

100mm T2.1

125mm T2.1

4 Lens Set

5 Lens Set

7 Lens Set

10 Lens Set

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